Blue Floral Pichwai Round Tray 8 inches


Add a touch of sophistication to your return gifts with the Blue Floral Pichwai Round Tray (8 inch). Featuring stunning lotus flower patterns, this tray highlights the beauty of traditional Pichwai art. Its durable construction ensures long-lasting use, making it a functional and decorative gift your guests will cherish. Ideal for marriages, baby showers, anniversaries, engagements, birthdays, poojas, and Upanayanam ceremonies.

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Blue Floral Pichwai Round Tray 8 inches

Blue Floral Pichwai Round Tray 8 inches



Size: 8 inch
Material: Resin and Metal
Estimated despatch: 1 to 2 weeks depending on order quantity
Depending on order quantity, Pichwai trays multiple designs can be given. Once ordered,
we will get in touch with you for multiple designs requirement.