Blue Floral Pichwai Round Trays 6 inches

175.00 (incl. GST)

The Blue Floral Pichwai Round Tray (6 inch) is a charming return gift for any occasion. This beautiful tray features a captivating floral design, making it a practical and elegant token of appreciation for your guests. Perfect for serving small treats or adding a decorative touch, it’s sure to be a cherished keepsake.

Size: 6 inch
Material: Resin and Metal
Estimated despatch: 1 to 2 weeks depending on order quantity
Depending on order quantity, Pichwai trays multiple designs can be given. Once ordered,
we will get in touch with you for multiple designs requirement.

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Blue Floral Pichwai Round Trays 8 inchesBlue Floral Pichwai Round Trays 6 inches
175.00 (incl. GST)
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